RATA Mumbai POWER DRESSING Online Webinar

Event By : RATA Mumbai
Date : 07 November 2023
Time : 11.00 AM
"Want to make a powerful first impression in the business world?" "Are you dressing for success in business world?" Curious about the psychology of clothing in business?" "Learn the art of dressing for confidence and success." "How can your wardrobe impact your professional image?" "Discover the secrets of power dressing for the corporate world." "Is your attire holding you back at work?" "Ready to upgrade your professional style?" "What does your clothing say about your professional brand?" "Join us for a power dressing workshop and boost your career!" Join online session and learn the art of Power Dressing based on occasion and location To Register Click on Link below https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMldu6urTwvHtRvWtnsZ8QtYsmI-iNz93fq Zoom ID: 87817637540 Password: RATA